Volt Tour is the world's first all-vehicle action show using EUC, E-Bikes, E- Scooters, trike, one wheel and electric mounting board on various different ramps and boxes to showcase the skills with the very best riders in the UK.
already we have been showing off our skills with three UK champions for their chosen E-vehicle in Fully charged Live. Volt tour was an idea to take our bike show and make it new and exciting with more power but still with the sustainable impact as a regular bike show by using solar to charge all the E-Vehicles. Allow your audience to see riders launch themselves off our 7ft ramp into our new airbag landing ramp while showing off their skills or keeping it ground level and trying some trickier moves on the various different mini ramps and boxes.

We can offer bespoke quotes for your next event and festival with a discount for multi activity bookings.
Inspire movement with us and click the button above to lets us know how we can help.